Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Why You Should Have Silver In Your Portfolio As Well As Gold

Why You Should Have Silver In Your Portfolio
As Well As Gold
Silver has had quite a run the last couple months, so it's no surprise that it has gained much attention and interest from investors - even more so than gold. It is extremely volatile, however, and tends to rise or fall in spurts - so I'd like to focus on its attributes as compared to gold, make a case for holding some, and discuss some ultimate price possibilities.

Gold is known as the ultimate form of money; the king of money. Silver is generally thought of as gold's little brother or 'Poor Man's Gold'. It is said that:

Gold is the money of Monarchs,
Silver is the money of Gentlemen,
Barter is the money of Peasants, and
Debt is the money of Slaves.......read on

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